Perfect Balance Accounting, Inc.

802-255-1400 | 508-212-7353

Let us free you up to do what you do best - work ON your business, not IN it.

Small Business Bookkeeping Errors To Avoid:

  • Never issue a check to a vendor or contractor whom you expect to pay more than $600 without FIRST receiving a W-9 from them.
  • Consider a short-term loan when purchasing costly equipment.  This saves you money on your taxes versus depreciating over time.
  • Never confuse profit for cash flow!
  • Vendors are not accounts or as QB calls them, categories.

Perfect Balance Accounting offers you accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax services.  We also do QuickBooks consulting.  Whether it's installing the software, setting up your business or customizing forms, whatever your needs, we can help!

No one knows your business better than you do.  Perfect Balance Accounting can help you succeed and grow your business by allowing you to work ON your business, not IN it.  We can help you analyze your financial statements to determine areas of weakness and growth.  We will help you increase your profits, decrease your taxes and manage your cash flow.  Make informed decisions, the right way.

As Certified Quickbooks Specialists, look to us as your guides for Quickbooks help.

We offer a FREE ONE HOUR CONSULTATION to new clients.

There are many options for your bookkeeping services.  These can be tailored to suit your business needs.  Perhaps you need someone to handle the day to day entries for your cash registers.  Or you may wish to have someone handle the books weekly for your business receipts.  Or perhaps you have a full time bookkeeper on site and you just need monthly general journal entries and reconciliations. 

We can create monthly reports for you to use to make educated decisions that will increase your profits.  We will explain profits to you monthly in order to help you forecast or budget your income and expenses.

Whatever your needs, our services can be tailored to meet them.

Whether you pay your employees weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, we can help with your payroll . 

Whether you have one employee or one thousand, we can help with your payroll.

We can handle paper checks as well as direct deposits.

Whatever your payroll needs, we can help.

Let us help with your tax planning and preparation.  Tax planning is everything that happens prior to December 31, or your fiscal year end.  Tax preparation is getting the numbers together, completing and filing  the tax forms.

Timely preparation of all your tax forms is something that allows you to work ON your business.  Never pay another penalty.

Whether you need individual tax preparation, or business tax planning, we are here to help you decrease your tax liability.

Call us to find out how to get your FREE tax return.